Family Videos!

I just wanted to make everyone aware that Evan has been doing daily vlogs!  They’re just little snippets of our daily life, so I welcome you to watch them if you’d like to get to know our family a little better.

Here is yesterday’s video:


If you would like to learn more about our business or how to market your own business online, you can email me at or find us on our Facebook group.

A Balance Between Gratitude and Goals

Be happy with what you have while you're pursuing what you want..jpg

This morning we had to go into the city so I could meet with my midwife, but after my appointment, we picked up Evan and went out for lunch.  It has been a beautiful spring day, so we bought some sandwiches at the food court across the street, and sat by a fountain to eat our lunch together.  Gardeners and other grounds workers were busy getting things ready for spring.  My kids kept trying to pick the pansies that had just been planted, and splashing in the water of the fountain.  I was just glad they didn’t fall in!  They were exhausted when we got home, and we are having our quiet time now.  🙂 Whew! It was a beautiful morning though.

Yesterday I talked about the things that I want, that I don’t have.  This morning was ideal though.  As I search for more, and make goals for myself, It’s also important to be grateful for the things that I do have.  It’s important to take notice of perfect moments.  I am grateful that my husband works near such a beautiful place, and that he has the flexibility to wander the city with us for lunch.  I’m thankful that we could afford to buy sandwiches and cookies.  I am most thankful for my family.  I feel blessed to have a steady, loving family.  It is the thing I prize most in my life, and I realize that not everyone has that opportunity.

It’s important to find a balance between reaching for dreams, and remembering what we already have.  Don’t get so caught up in your dreams that you forget.  No matter our circumstance, there is always something to be grateful for.  Find that thing, and hold on to it. 🙂

I’d like to hear from you. What are you most grateful for?




If you would like to learn more about our business you can email me at or find us on our Facebook group.

Happy Birthday Evan!

Today we celebrated Evan’s 29th birthday.  We decorated the house, wrapped some presents, and made some birthday cards while he was at work.  Both boys were so excited for daddy to come home so we could start the party!


We also made some ice cream cake that turned out delicious!

I’m so grateful that I am married to this wonderful man.  He’s a little goofy, and he makes me laugh.


He can also be serious though, and is the most excellent leader I know, regardless of the situation.  He is a font of knowledge.  If I ever don’t know something, first I ask him, then if he doesn’t know, I ask Google.  He always wants to help others around him, and finds ways to legitimately help. He has big dreams, and works hard to see those dreams come to fruition.  He is persistent in his goals, and often keeps me going in mine.  He is an amazing husband and father, and I am grateful that he is a part of our family.  He is my best friend, and I love him more than anyone in the world.

He recently made a goal to make a daily vlog on Youtube for the whole year.  We’re really excited about what this next year will bring, and we’re excited to have you along for the ride!

If you would like to learn more about our business you can email me at or find us on our Facebook group.

Cost of Starting a Business


We’re prepping for our two-year-old’s surgery tomorrow, so it’s been pretty busy, but we didn’t want to leave you guys hanging.  Network marketing can be a great option in starting a business, and learning how a business works.  There is a lot smaller investment, and a lot more help involved!

If you would like to learn more about our business, you can email me at or check out our website here.

Who Are Your People?

You are in pursuit of success.  You are inspired and motivated.  Every day, you get closer, and closer to your goals.  Your goal may be to be finance or business related.  They may be something else entirely.  All of us want to feel important, or appreciated.  We want the world to see how great we are.  These things aren’t bad.  In fact, it’s good to strive for success.  The one thing I hope none of us forget is our families.

Some of us have very traditional, nuclear families.  In my family, I am the mom.  I’m married to my husband, and I have 2… almost 3 kids. (April is gonna be an exciting month!)  These are the people that I care about most.  It doesn’t have to look like this though.  The most important thing, is that we have people in our lives that we love, and those people love us back.

Who is in your family?  They may be blood-related, they may not.  Think about those people who you wouldn’t want to live without.  This is your family, and any pursuit of success in other areas should never get in the way of those relationships.

Today was a special day in our family.  It was my son’s birthday.  He turned two today, and the whole day was his.  We played, ate chocolate cake, and did all of the things he loves best.  My sweet two-year-old, is one of the most important people in my life, and I wanted to show it, but it meant that I put all of my business-related things on the back-burner.  I realized that I had no idea what was going to go on the blog today, but that it was OK.  Some days are family days, and family is always more important than any other kind of success. My family is my first priority, and that is the way it should be.12402124_10207220422921742_2671089576349808824_o-1